What is Outdoor Burning?
Outdoor burning refers to a small, controlled and contained fire for the purpose of cooking, warmth or personal enjoyment.
The Outdoor Burning By-law regulates when, where and how you can have outdoor fires. Following these regulations ensures you do not create a nuisance for neighbours and helps to keep everyone safe.
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Outdoor Burning Regulations
- No fires are permitted during a fire ban issued by the Fire Chief
- No fires are permitted on commercial or industrial properties
- No fires are permitted on any land or premises where construction is taking place
- A responsible person at least 18 years of age must be present at all times the fire is burning
- No fires are permitted when the direction or intensity of the wind may cause the uncontrolled spread of the fire to other combustible materials (including grass and brush)
(Click image to open in new window if you are viewing on a mobile device)

Outdoor Burning By-law: Compliance
When Central York Fire Services (CYFS) responds to complaints of outdoor burning and it is determined that the burning does not comply with this by-law, the person responsible for the fire will be directed to extinguish it or it will be extinguished by CYFS.
In the event that the person responsible for the fire is not complying with the by-law, they may be charged the cost of responding to such fire.
Outdoor Burning Restrictions.pdf